Meie tooted
Me loome kvaliteetset tarkvara apteekidele, riigiasutustele ning kaubandus- ja tootmisettevõtetele
Hansasoft has created a special software for pharmacies called Pharmacy Information System that is used by nearly half of the pharmacies in Estonia. The five biggest pharmacy chains in Estonia employ the Hansasoft Pharmacy Information System, which has been adapted according to each pharmacy chain.
Laoarvestuse ja tootmise moodul.
Partii või FIFO põhine laoarvestus.
Lao aadresside ja riiulite haldus
Erineva kassatehnikate tugi
Müük sularahas või/ja kaardiga
Müük avatud arvele
Elektrooniline andmevahetus Haigekassaga
2+1 skeem
Kliendikaardiga erihinnad
Eriformaadis hinnasildid
E-tellimused ravimite hulgimüüjatega
E-arvete laadimine
Erinevate ostu- ja müügistatistikate kuvamine tellimiskeskkonnas
Inventuuri teostamine
Jaehinna muutmine
Tooteinfo kontrollimine
Toodete maha kandmine ja uute toodete tellimine
Netiapteegi liides
Liidestuse võimalus erinevate majandustarkvaradega (Navision jpt.)
Internet Pharmacy is Hansasoft’s distance selling solution of medicines and pharmacy goods connected with the Pharmacy Information System. environment integrates different pharmacies into one portal and it is meant for everyday use for pharmacists, doctors, pharmaceuticals wholesalers and all the people that need information about the prices, availability, ingredients and indications of medicines.
The trade information system is suitable for a single shop or chain store that can have multiple central warehouses and production units. The number of warehouses and units is not limited and there is a possibility to link different legal entities (group) into one information system. The information system uses the powerful MSSQL database and can handle also larger data volumes.